Mullen Brothers Blog

Common Lawn Diseases: Identification and Solutions

Written by Mullen Bros Team | Sep 11, 2024 3:00:00 PM

A lush, green lawn is every homeowner's dream, but common lawn diseases can quickly turn that dream into a nightmare. Here's how the pros identify, prevent, and treat these issues.

Imagine this - it's the morning before your family's big cookout. You're on your way out to the shed to get the lawn mower and give your yard one final mow before the party only to see strange patches, discolored spots, and bare patches all over your lawn.

"Oh no!"

You’ve watered it, fertilized it, and it's gotten plenty of sunlight—so what went wrong?

The culprit could be a sneaky lawn disease silently spreading beneath the surface.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the most common diseases we see here in Central MA, along with how to spot them and solve them.

Plus, we'll give you tips on how to prevent lawn diseases and ensure something like this doesn't happen to you - especially on cookout day!

Spotting the Signs: How to Identify Lawn Diseases Early

Identifying lawn diseases early can make all the difference between a quick fix and a long-term battle.

Here are the key signs to look out for:

Discolored Patches: Discolored spots on your lawn, ranging from yellow to brown, often indicate fungal infections like dollar spot or brown patch, which thrive in humid conditions. These spots can spread rapidly if untreated, leaving your once-green grass looking patchy and stressed.

Thinning Grass/Bare Spots: Thinning or bare spots in your lawn may signal the presence of root-rot diseases or pests that weaken the grass at its foundation. As the grass thins out, it creates openings for weeds and other invasive plants to take over, further damaging your lawn’s appearance.

Unusual Growth Patterns: Fungal infections often manifest as circular patches, while bacterial and viral infections might cause streaks or blotches.

Another good idea is to pay attention to the texture of your lawn.

Diseased grass may feel spongy or brittle, and you might notice an increase in thatch buildup.

Regular inspections during mowing or watering can help you catch these symptoms early.

The Usual Suspects: An Overview of Common Lawn Diseases in MA

Massachusetts lawns are susceptible to several common diseases, including:

Brown Patch: Caused by the Rhizoctonia solani fungus, thrives in warm, humid conditions and appears as large, brown circular patches.

Dollar Spot: Another fungal disease, manifests as small, silver-dollar-sized spots that can coalesce into larger patches.

Red Thread: Caused by the fungus Laetisaria fuciformis, presents as reddish or pinkish threads on the grass blades.

Other notable diseases include Snow Mold, which appears after the snow melts in early spring, and Rust, characterized by orange or yellowish spots on grass blades. 

Pro Tips to Avoid Lawn Diseases

Preventing lawn diseases is easier and more cost-effective than treating them. Here's what the team at Mullen Brothers recommends:

  • Start with proper lawn maintenance practices such as regular mowing, adequate watering, and balanced fertilization.
  • Mow your lawn to the recommended height for your grass type and avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass blade at a time.
  • Aeration and dethatching can also prevent disease by improving air circulation and reducing thatch buildup.
  • Additionally, choose disease-resistant grass varieties and ensure your lawn receives adequate sunlight.
  • Avoid overwatering, especially in the evening, as excess moisture can promote fungal growth.

How to Treat a Diseased Lawn

If your lawn is already showing signs of disease, don't worry because you have treatment options.

  • Start with an accurate diagnosis to identify the specific disease affecting your grass. Once identified, you can choose the appropriate treatment.
  • Fungicides can be effective for fungal infections, but they should be used judiciously to avoid resistance buildup.
  • For bacterial or viral diseases, removing and replacing affected areas may be necessary.
  • Improve soil conditions by adjusting pH levels and adding organic matter. Regularly overseeding with disease-resistant grass varieties can also help rejuvenate your lawn.

Get Expert Help For Your Lawn

When lawn diseases become too challenging to manage on your own, professional help can make a significant difference.

Mullen Brothers Landscaping offers expert lawn care services tailored to your specific needs. Our team can provide accurate disease diagnosis, effective treatment options, and ongoing maintenance to keep your lawn healthy.

Just reach out to schedule your free estimate to get started.