Mullen Brothers Blog

Summer Weed Guide - Identifying and Eliminating Weeds in Your Lawn

Written by Mullen Bros Team | Aug 21, 2024 2:45:00 PM

Rid your lawn of common weeds with these expert tips for identifying and eradicating pervasive summer growth.

As summer hits its full swing here in Central MA, many head to the beaches on Cape Cod, catch a Sox game at Fenway, or take a family trip after dinner to the local ice cream stand for a cold treat.

This time of year, while we're out enjoying the summer months with friends and family, our lawns often reveal some unwanted guests - weeds!

It’s not always easy to distinguish between pesky weeds and the perennials you’ve lovingly planted. 

Many homeowners we talk to find themselves wondering: is this new sprout a weed or a flower?

Identifying and dealing with unwanted intruders can be tricky, but knowing what you're up against is key to developing an effective plan.

In today's post, we’ll help you spot common summer weeds, so you can take action and keep your lawn looking its best.

Common Summer Weeds: What’s in Your Grass?

The warm months bring about a burst of growth in our lawns, and with that comes the inevitable invasion of summer weeds.

These uninvited guests, ranging from the stubborn dandelion to the prolific crabgrass, can quickly take over.

Here's a list of the usual suspects the team at Mullen Brothers sees the most with our clients here in Central MA:

  • Crabgrass: Crabgrass thrives in hot, dry conditions and is a common nuisance in Massachusetts lawns during the summer.

  • Dandelions: Dandelions have bright yellow flowers and are well-known and persistent here in New England. 

  • Broadleaf Plantain: Broadleaf Plantain is a tough weed that can survive well in areas with compacted soil.

  • Yellow Nutsedge: This weed resembles grass, but is a much faster grower found in wet areas that can be particularly troublesome in Massachusetts' humid summer conditions.

  • Purslane: Purslane is a low-growing succulent weed that spreads quickly and can take over lawns during the warmer months.

Each weed on this list presents its own set of challenges often characterized by its unique leaf shapes, flowering patterns, and growth habits.

By knowing what you're dealing with, you can select the most effective treatment methods and prevent them from taking over your outdoor space. 

The Lifecycle and Habits of Summer Weeds

Effective management and elimination of weeds start with understanding their lifecycle and growth habits.

Most weeds follow a distinct lifecycle that homeowners should be aware of to effectively manage them:

  • Germination: Most weeds begin as seeds that germinate in the spring or early summer. Warm temperatures and ample sunlight create ideal conditions for these seeds to sprout.
  • Growth: Once germinated, weeds quickly grow and establish themselves. Their rapid growth can outcompete your lawn for nutrients and water. Common weeds like crabgrass can spread aggressively during this stage.
  • Dormancy or Death: As summer progresses and temperatures rise, some weeds may enter a period of dormancy or die off. However, those that have already produced seeds can persist through the winter, starting a new cycle.

By learning about the lifecycle of these weeds, you can time your control measures to be the most effective.

For example, pre-emergent herbicides are best applied before weeds germinate in the early summer, while post-emergent treatments are more effective when weeds are actively growing. 

Effective Natural and Chemical Weed Control Strategies

Once you've identified the weeds in your lawn, it's time to take action.

There are lots of weed control options available, ranging from natural, eco-friendly methods to chemical treatments.

No matter which treatments you choose, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and apply these treatments safely and responsibly.

Need Help With Your Weeds?

When all else fails - or, when you'd just rather be at the beach than dealing with weeds - the team at Mullen Brothers Landscaping is here to help. Reach out and schedule a free estimate to get started.