7 Common Spring Lawn Problems and How to Solve Them

Written By Mullen Bros Team
May 9, 2024 5:10 PM
7 Common Spring Lawn Problems and How to Solve Them

Learn to tackle 7 common spring lawn issues with expert tips from Mullen Brothers Landscaping. Here's how to revive your Massachusetts lawn. 

As winter fades away and spring emerges, Massachusetts homeowners eagerly anticipate the revival of their lawns. However, this transition isn't always seamless. Several common lawn problems can crop up during the spring season, affecting the health and appearance of your yard. 

Understanding these issues and knowing how to address them is key to maintaining a lush, green lawn.

Here are some of the common spring lawn problems the Mullen Brothers team helps homeowners in the Westborough area overcome.

Here's what's covered in this article. Click below to jump to the section you want:

  1. Thatch Buildup
  2. Compacted Soil
  3. Weed Infestation
  4. Fungal Diseases
  5. Pest Infestation
  6. Nutrient Deficiency
  7. Pet Spotting

1. Thatch Buildup 

  • What to Look For: Thatch, a layer of dead grass and organic matter that accumulates on the soil surface, can impede water, air, and nutrient penetration, leading to poor grass growth.
  • How to Solve It: Spring is an ideal time to dethatch your lawn using a rake or dethatching machine. This process helps aerate the soil and promote healthy root development.

Thatch Buildup - Common Spring Lawn Problems and How to Solve Them

2. Compacted Soil

  • What to Look For: Heavy foot traffic, machinery, and winter weather can compact the soil, restricting root growth and water absorption.
  • How to Solve It: Aeration is an effective solution for alleviating soil compaction. Renting an aerator or hiring a professional like Mullen Brothers Landscaping to perforate the soil allows air, water, and nutrients to reach the grassroots, fostering healthier turf growth. 

Compacted Soil - Common Spring Lawn Problems and How to Solve Them

3. Weed Infestation

  • What to Look For: Spring often brings a surge in weed growth, competing with grass for resources and spoiling the aesthetic appeal of your lawn.
  • How to Solve It: Implementing a treatment in early spring can prevent weed seeds from germinating, reducing the need for weed control later in the season. For existing weeds, spot-treating with herbicides or manually removing them can help keep them in check. 

Weed Infestation - Common Spring Lawn Problems and How to Solve Them

4. Fungal Diseases

  • What to Look For: Massachusetts' springtime weather conditions, with frequent rainfall and fluctuating temperatures, create favorable environments for fungal diseases such as dollar spot, brown patch, and powdery mildew.
  • How to Solve It: To prevent fungal infections, avoid overwatering, improve air circulation by pruning overhanging branches, and ensure proper lawn drainage. Fungicidal treatments may be necessary in severe cases.

Fungal Diseases - Common Spring Lawn Problems and How to Solve Them

5. Pest Infestation

  • What to Look For: Insects like grubs, chinch bugs, and armyworms can wreak havoc on your lawn, causing brown patches and thinning turf.
  • How to Solve It: Regularly inspect your lawn for signs of pest activity, such as chewed grass blades or irregular patches. Applying treatments targeted at specific pests can help mitigate infestations and preserve lawn health.

Pest Infestation - Common Spring Lawn Problems and How to Solve Them

6. Nutrient Deficiency

  • What to Look For: After a long winter, lawns may suffer from nutrient deficiencies. This may appear as yellowing grass, stunted growth, or poor overall health.
  • How to Solve It: Conduct a soil test to determine nutrient levels and pH balance, then fertilize accordingly with a balanced fertilizer rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Follow recommended application rates and timing to avoid nutrient runoff and environmental damage.

Nutrient Deficiency - Common Spring Lawn Problems and How to Solve Them

7. Dog Spotting

  • What to Look For: If you have furry friends, you're likely familiar with the unsightly brown spots that result from dog urine.
  • How to Solve It: Diluting urine spots with water immediately after they occur can help minimize damage. Additionally, encourage pets to drink more water to dilute their urine and consider training them to urinate in designated areas away from the lawn. There are also specially formulated dog treats that can be used to lessen the damage of your pet’s urine.

Dog Spotting - Common Spring Lawn Problems and How to Solve Them

By recognizing these common spring lawn problems and implementing proactive solutions, Massachusetts homeowners can ensure their lawns thrive throughout the growing season.

If you need more information or help with any or all of these problems, contact the team at Mullen Brothers Landscaping to book your free consultation today! 

With diligence and care, you can enjoy a lush, green lawn that enhances the beauty of your outdoor space for years to come.

Mullen Bros Team

About the Author

Mullen Brothers Landscaping was co-founded by brothers Joel and Matt Mullen in 2022 with a simple mission: To help people connect with their piece of nature.